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Saturday, October 17, 2009

BBA Challenge and Bagels

I had trouble with this challenge.  Karen made the same ones but hers turned out perfectly.  The only differences we could come up with in our handling of the dough was that I didn't have oil spray, so I brushed my dough with oil before the final rise.  She lightly sprayed hers as the recipe instructed.  When we put the bagels into the water, I added the baking soda and she didn't.  Hers puffed right up as she put them into the boiling water.  Mine stayed flat.  In the oven mine stayed flat and just wouldn't brown.  I kept them in longer hoping for some browning.  It never happened on top, although the bottoms did darken, as you can see on the picture.  As a result, my bagels are tough from overbaking and somewhat denser as they didn't rise well.  The taste is very good.  I think my problem was too much oil before the final rise???  The baking soda in the water shouldn't have affected the rise, should it???  I'll try these again--but I'll have to get some oil spray first.

This is my day of bad beginnings.  I discovered my socks were just too small.  I checked my gauge--a little late, don't you think?  It was quite a bit off.  So these are my socks now.   They were prettier yesterday.  I guess I'll check the gauge with size 3 needles--blagh. 

My daughter drove to State College, PA, last night with some friends.  It's the middle of October.  Did you hear what they had in State College?? SNOW! 

I felt a little better after a bowl of warming potato soup and a soothing dessert of rice pudding.  Tomorrow I'll make a whole pot of tea and start on my socks again.

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